Dear (female) Feminists,
I respect all of you and your
points of view but that doesn’t mean that I agree with all your opinions. Probably
you do not agree with my opinions either. But as feminists we are supposed to
stick together. First and foremost let me tell you there’s nothing wrong with
changing your mind if you are presented with new logic. As you all know, feminism
is all about equality - equal rights, equal duties, equal respect and equal
chances. If you want to be treated as an equal, you also have to extend the
same courtesies not only to men but also to your sisters.
“A woman’s worst enemy is another
woman” is a phrase we have all heard and also experienced at times. Is it right
to be the woman who on one hand demands equal rights from her male counterparts
while on the other hand refuses to give them to other women? Every person is
unique and has different views, needs, wants, ambitions etc. You simply do not
have the right to nullify or trivialize another’s existence just because they
do not share the same opinions as you. If a woman likes to cover her body from
head to toe with tattoos, it’s her choice. If for that you label her as “savage”,
then are you giving her the respect or at least the chance that she deserves?
If a woman likes having rough (but consensual) sex involving bondage with her
partner, you can’t go around telling people that she is a rape-inviting slut. It’s
her life and her choice and nobody has the right to label her just because she’s
is not bound to the typical definition of a woman. There are lots of modern
women whose dream is to marry rich and have a family with a husband and kids.
Just because she doesn’t want the same things as you do, it doesn’t mean that
she’s not ambitious or that she is old-fashioned. Not everybody wants a job.
Not everybody wants to get married. Not everybody wants children. There are
Muslim women who wear burqa by choice. There are modern Indian women who wear
ethnic clothing because they feel beautiful in it and not because nothing else
suits them. By virtue of human nature we simply can’t stop judging people. What
we can do though is to keep those biased illogical judgements to ourselves and let
reason and evidence guide our outlook.
Maybe some of you are thinking
that this is all bullshit and that you are real feminists who are perfectly open
minded and at peace with what other women are doing. Maybe you are right or
maybe you are not. We say that we want every woman to have the right to do as
they please. Yet when they do exactly that, we have a problem especially if
what pleases them doesn’t please us. Those of you who have grown up watching
Disney are well acquainted with Miley Cyrus. Most of us
who really looked up to her as a role model earlier, disapprove of her now. You
call her a sex-maniac (which she probably is). You also try to slut shame her
and convince others that she is a disgrace to the female race and because of
people like her women are not respected. Well if you do then let me tell you
that you lack tolerance which is a basic quality for a person who demands equal
rights. Even I do not approve of her lifestyle but that doesn’t mean I’ll
belittle her choices. She is a strong woman (like you or me) who doesn’t like
staying bounded by the roles that society defines for a woman. She makes her
own rules and refuses to bow down to social norms and for that I respect her.
Recently there’s been a lot of hue and cry when Caitlyn Jenner received
the Arthur
Ashe Courage Award and lots of women thought that she didn’t deserve it
simply because they thought her struggle
to come out as a transgender female wasn’t as important as the daily hardships that
normal women face. I too feel that the award was a bit too much especially
since its other luminaries have been Muhammad Ali, Billie Jean King and Nelson
Mandela. However most of us will never understand the struggles of a person
who do not relate to the gender assigned to them at birth.
The problem with most of us feminists
is that we want individual equality but we aren’t ready to fight on behalf of
the other women who still are oppressed. When a woman is being ridiculed
because of her choices, it’s our duty to protect them even if we personally do
not agree with them. If you have a handbook which states the things that
feminists do, then throw it away because no book in the world can incorporate each
and every unique preference of the billions of women who exist. We all are
unique, so are our tastes and choices. It’s our duty to stand together instead
of getting into a cat-fight and hurling insults at one another. Just breathe,
live and let live.
Yours lovingly,
just another feminist.

just another feminist.
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