As kids most of us, especially girls, have grown up reading
various different fairytales. The best part about these fairytales is their
happy endings. Isn’t that what we all want? We want to believe that in the end
everything will sort out and life will be just fine. Unfortunately, the original
fairytales are grim in nature and I’m not sure if that’s how I’ll define happy
We all remember the sweet Little Red Riding Hood who went to
visit her ailing grandmother and on the way got distracted by a wolf that
eventually ate both the grandma and the little girl. They were saved when a
hunter found the wolf and cut its stomach to rescue them. All’s well that ends
well, right? But the original story is a little different. The “Wolf” met Little
Red Riding Hood in the forest and started conversing with her and got to know
about her grandmother. He knew if he played his cards right he could “have”
both the ladies. He took a shortcut to the old woman’s house while the
misguided little girl took a longer roundabout route. He “ate” the Grandma and
when Little Red Riding Hood arrived she stripped and got into bed
with the wolf before he ate her up too. The End. No hunter turns up to save
them. Frankly, I feel that in this case, the original story teaches better
morals than the sugarcoated one. Little girls should not talk to strangers
however attractive they might seem. The world is full of wolves that are ready
to pounce on such unsuspecting young ladies to satisfy their hunger.
Wondering why the beautiful glass slippers are covered with
blood? I’ll get there. In the fairytale Cinderella married Prince Charming. Her
evil stepsisters begged her for forgiveness. It was decided to let bygones be
bygones and the stepsisters got married to lords. However in one of the earlier
versions the stepsisters each desperately tried to prove to the Prince that
they were his lady love. One cut her toe off while the other cut her heel off
to fit into the glass slippers which finally fit only Cinderella. Prince
Charming married Cinderella but when he got to know that the stepsisters had
tried to use treachery to win him, he was furious. Their feet were already
bloodied and to add insult to injury the Prince ordered the birds to peck out
the eyes of the stepsisters as a form of punishment that they will have to live
with forever. The orders were carried out to the tiniest detail. Not so
charming now, is he?

A similar story revolves around Snow White too. In the story
we know, the evil Step mother, in this case the Queen, tries to kill Snow White
in order to remain the most beautiful woman. In the end, Snow White however is
united with the Prince and the evil Queen falls off the side of a cliff while
being chased by the seven dwarves. In the original story however, the Queen was
Snow White’s own mother. She was so vain that she couldn’t bear being
less beautiful than anyone even if it was her own daughter. She tried to get her
killed in all the possible ways she could but wasn’t successful. In the end
Snow White married the Prince and the Queen was reluctant to go to the wedding.
Upon going there she realized that the bride was none other than her daughter
which sent her into a state of shock. As a penalty for attempted murder a pair of glowing-hot iron shoes were brought forth with tongs and
placed before the Queen. She was forced to step into the burning shoes and to
dance until she dropped dead. The Princes did know how to hand punishments

The original story of The Sleeping Beauty is by far the worst
because it’s sick and shouldn’t be taught to impressionable young children. The
wicked fairy’s curse caused the young princess and every member of the castle
to go into slumber for a hundred years. A century apart when a handsome prince
ventured into the castle he was awestruck by the princess’ beauty and kissed
her causing her to wake up. They got married and lived happily ever after. Well
guess what, life is never so simple. In the original story the Prince is
awestruck by the beauty of the sleeping princess. In a lifeless castle there’s
nobody to stop him. He doesn’t stop at just a kiss but goes on to have full-fledged
sex with the Sleeping Beauty which in today’s world is termed as RAPE. She got
pregnant and eventually gave birth to twins. One of those twins sucked her
thumb causing the poisonous splint to come out and thus bringing her back to
life. Once she came into her senses and met the prince and actually fell in
love with him and then they got married and lived happily ever after.
The fairytales we read are just a pinker version of the
original tales which however are not equally innocent. Some of these tales are
horrendous. Apparently our princes were not very forgiving in nature and were
dangerously vengeful. Some of them didn’t even consider “consent” as an important
criterion prior to carnal relations, which in today's world is unacceptable. However these are the stories we have always held
on to as kids. The question is, in future do we want these princes to be the role models
for our sons?