Friday, 17 April 2015

7 Tips on How To Be A Bad Blogger

It's Friday again and today I'm here with some advice which one must follow to become a bad blogger. Unfortunately, in the short while I have been blogging, I didn't have the time to test the effectiveness of every tip - but I'm fairly sure these will help:

  1. Check the stats and comment section of your blog multiple times a day. If the stats are lower than your expectations (which usually is the case for new bloggers), then half the work is done right there. You lose the zeal and excitement needed to proceed.
  2. Never proofread your blog before posting it. A blog post bombarded with overuse of flowery words and littered with grammatical errors and typos is the perfect concoction that drives away readers. Sprinkle it with an unclear train of thoughts and Voila!
  3. Use boring titles, especially ones that do not clearly denote what your post is about. The first thing that a reader sees in your post is the title. Depending on its attractive power, the reader will decide whether to go for it or give it a miss. Hence this is one is pretty important.
  4. The length of the post is also very important. Either make it so short that it gets over right after the reader starts reading. Or, make it huge so that even after five laborious minutes of reading, they realize that they are nowhere near the end.
  5. Turn off the comment facility. It's your blog; what you write is up to you. Readers can just read through if they want but they must keep their precious views to themselves. You get to decide what you want to write about. Readers' input, who cares?
  6. Or you could just keep the comment facility on but never reply to the suggestions people are giving. So what if a person is taking the pain to give you feed-backs on your product: you shouldn't have to deal with praises or constructive criticism.
  7. Be inconsistent. That way the readers will lose track of your posts and eventually lose interest. You can always surprise them (and yourself) with blog posts out of the blue, but that's not something they'll go for if they do not know when to look forward to the next post.
So, these invaluable pieces of advice are all I have to share with my readers. I hope these are helpful if you are looking forward to becoming a bad blogger!

[N.B.: Do leave a comment. I will be back next Friday!]

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