I have been
wondering what to write about this week until a forward in a group chat caught
my eye. A male friend of mine had posted a poem about the kind of girlfriend he
desired and boy was he specific! Starting from her height, weight and skin tone
to her likes, dislikes, talents and hobbies, he specified every single detail
of his notion of the perfect girlfriend; and giving him a befitting reply
awakened the feminist in me.
I believe every
woman is a feminist at heart. But feminism, according to me, isn't just a
female issue. For example, whenever there is a discussion of racism, most “white”
people turn a deaf ear to it imagining it’s not about them, when in reality
they are the very reason racism exists. Similarly, feminism isn't just about
women but also about men. How men treat women, support their causes, stand
beside them, respect them and so on, is in fact the proof of a man’s true strength. Men are
by default physically stronger than women. Desperately trying to prove it only
establishes their immaturity and incapacity. Men are not meant to rule over the
world, neither are women. Instead, men – women and others are supposed to
coexist peacefully as equals.
In my short life
and limited experience I haven't ever been the victim of gender inequality,
except when I'm travelling alone. I'm pretty sure men do not have to worry
about things like pepper spray or random strangers elbowing them in the chest on crowded roads, or lechers
pressing against them from behind on crowded buses and metros, or perverts
flashing at them. Women shouldn't have to
constantly worry about these things either. But are we left with a choice? Some
of the times when I have objected to such misbehaviour, co passengers have
turned against me calling me a liar. Rest of the times they watched silently as
I argued and insulted my tormentor. But never ever has anyone come to my
rescue! I shouldn't have to worry about my safety every time I step out.
At times it feels like gender equality is just a female fantasy that will come true the day pigs fly. Can a woman ever be entirely safe? I know I sound really clichéd but
whatever I wrote, I wrote from experience and although it has absolutely no
relation with the introduction of this specific post, this is something I have
wanted to express from a very long time. Every woman is a feminist, there's nothing
unusual about that! What we need are more and more male feminists and only then equality can be achieved.
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