Tuesday 15 March 2016

Women's Day 2016

As this Women's Day draws to its end, it's time to admit that the world is far from perfect. Our society is not anywhere close to equal. Female feticide and genital mutilation is still rampant. Girls in many parts of the world are still fighting for their right to education. Women are still considered objects by hypocrites all over the world. Abortion laws, pink tax, unequal payment are still issues all over the world. There are simply so many gender issues that it's hard to mention them all in this short impromptu afterthought post.
I still feel scared to walk on empty streets once it's dark. I still pray that a perv doesn't occupy the seat beside me on the bus. I still have to listen to sexist jokes and laugh, because it's "not a big deal". I am forced to mistrust people in order to ensure my safety: after all "better safe than sorry". People think I'm "brave" and also a "rebel" just because I do not use make up. My parents still fear for my safety even when I'm just a little late. I am expected to walk straight on the path that society has chalked out for me and not ask "too many" questions.
But it doesn't matter. Really, it doesn't. Our world is far from perfect but definitely nearer than it was even a decade ago. We have come a long way, but there's still miles and miles to go in order to achieve equality. Taking offence and complaining is not enough. Stand up against inequality, whoever it may be against. Open your senses to logic and make informed decisions. Let your voice be heard. If you have a problem, then do something about it. Woman up and embrace the world for you are the only one who can change it.
Happy Women's Day to all. smile emoticon

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